Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Transfer to ASL!

Hi Fam!!

It's me, Sister Layton, emailing you once again from the subway. We're going to Grimaldies pizza! WORLD FAMOUS PIZZA. 

Well, much has happened. 
I was transferred. Let's talk about that.
-My new companion is Sister P. She is an ANGEL child. I've loved every minute spent with her. Ahahahaha she's so sweet, and innocent. The most innocent person I have ever met. I love it. We are two of the four ASL sisters. They opened up a new apartment and pool for Sister P and I in the Union Square ASL Branch. Yup, we got blinded in, but we are PUMPED. It's such a blessing. 

-Our pad is located in the most lovely part of Astoria (same as my old area), but our area consists of all of Queens and all of Manhattan. And possibly the island if needed, idk. In the words of Sister Bradford "President instructed us to get you a pad as close to Manhattan as possible, so your pad is 1 minute away from the train stop that will take you right into Manhattan." Everyone in our mission is jealous of Sister P and I because we can go to Manhattan to work whenever we want hahah. In fact, we are pioneers! It's the first time missionaries from the south mission have been assigned to work in the north mission. We are a little bit overwhelmed because our area is HUGE, and ASL sisters haven't been in the north mission for years, but we are figuring it out one step at a time. :)

-In previous emails I mentioned working with the zone almost every day for finding, service, etc. We won't be doing that in the ASL program. :/ It's a bit of a bummer, but it's fine because really there's no time and it's not effective for ASL. It's so weird though, I'm used to seeing all 14 of my peeps everyday, and now we're lucky if we get a text message from other missionaries!! On the bright side we're getting wifi in our pad next week!!!!! And there's a fruit stand right by our house. Yep, a fruit stand.

-I really reallyyyy don't know how to sign that well. But hey, I can understand it 50% of the time so that's better than nothing!! Sister P is pretty skilled. We practice a lot. Whenever we are on the subway or bus, we only sign. It's great! Sometimes I will sign something to someone, for example "I like your shirt" and Sister P will interpret. It's funny, the people freak out and don't know what to do or how to act! I [KISS-FIST] ASL.

THE MUSICIANS JUST GOT ON THE SUBWAY. Yesssss, they always make my day. We aren't allowed to give them money :/ Two old black men singing their hearts out while holding out a blue bag for people's monies. I don't think they're under the influence, which sometimes the money begging people are.

-Anywho. CONFERENCE WAS AMAZING. We watched it in ASL, but with sound at the Union square church on Saturday and at a members house on Sunday. I loved all of it. Like why have I never before stayed awake and attentive for all four sessions?! It is such a precious time to hear the words of living prophets and apostles and to receive personal revelation from our Father in Heaven! Boy, I sure received answers to my prayers and concerns. One thing that stuck out to me was when on Saturday afternoon someone, I can't remember who, talked about repentance, real time repentance. He spoke briefly about real time repentance, but it clicked when he did. President Calderwood is always preaching "real time repentance." Right in the very moment you realize you've made a mistake, repenting!! Why wait until we kneel down for our evening prayers to repent if we can repent anytime, anywhere? Oh and Elder Uchtdorf's talk, top notch. Loved it.
I also loved the emphasis on prophets in Sunday afternoon session. I love President Monson! One thing I love testifying of is the truth that because our Heavenly Father loves us, He still communicates with us today, and He does so through a living prophet! I remember telling Nelly these things, she was mind blown- "Well why did no one tell me this before?!? No one even told me there's a prophet now! I knew there were prophets a long time ago, but I just don't understand why no one told me!!!" Hahaha. It's true my friends. Thomas S. Monson is a prophet of God, and he does indeed hold all he priesthood keys that have been restored to the earth. I know that as we choose to follow his counsel, we will be filled with joy.
Have a grand week everyone.

-Sister Layton

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